Waveclimate.com help pages

Offshore quick

The offshore quick statistics input screen enables you to rapidly retrieve a summary of the wind and wave climate
at multiple offshore locations for selected months in one go. The following 2D scatter tables will be provided per site

All scatter tables wil be written to one HTML result page and one downloadable comma-seperated-values text file.

User Controls

 Name  Type  Default  Description
 Location selection  Check Box Switched on for point 1 Check the box to activate output at the offshore location to the right.
 Longitude & latitude Editabletext fields for degrees and minutes. Pull down list for selection of the hemisphere 0 - 0 - East
0 - 0 - North

Blanks are interpreted as 0
The co-ordinate pair of the offshore point of interest. Please enter longitude as degrees from [0,180> and minutes from [0,60>. Additionally, select the Eastern or Western hemisphere. Enter latitude as degrees from [0,90> and minutes from [0,60> and choose North or South. The wave model gridpoint nearest to the selected location will provide the results as long as the distance between the selected location and the gridpoint does not exceed 100km.
 Month selection  Check Box January, February You can select one or more months of your interest and/or all-year.
For now, the maximum number of months per site has been set to two.

Open the offshore navigation screen in ANOTHER browser to check your quick stat points of interest against the model grid (the service will check for the presence of a grid point within 100km). In this way you can have your quick stats point selection screen open (for example in Internet Explorer) and, in parallel, navigate using the offshore navigation screen (for example in Mozilla Firefox or Chrome). In this way you wil have two separate, non-interfering, workflows. Working in parallel in two tabs / screens in one browser, for example in Internet Explorer, is not an option because the tabs / screens will be connected to the same workflow and things will get mixed up by the service.

Use the standard back button of your browser to return to a quick stats input screen without loosing your previously filled out pointlist and selected months. When you use the Quick link in the upper part of the screen or the Offshore Quick link in the red panel to the left, you will get the default input screen.