Waveclimate.com help pages

Data of past events

The data of past events branch of waveclimate.com allows you to investigate a particular event at a given point in time for the currently selected location and area.

The data of past events screen lets you choose between two types of outputs available: time series or a vector map. It asks you to select

The period of interest

You specify a point in time by means of an input date. The time is set to 0 hours. Waveclimate.com will generate time series and search for vector maps within a 2-week time window. Therefore, the time window starts 1 week before the specified date and ends 1 week after.

The type of output

The time series plot shows the minimum values, the maximum values and the medians per satellite pass as well as the wave model output of the currently selected parameter. Available samples from different satellites and sensors are shown in the presented graph. Sample dates are within a week before and after the current event date. Satellite observations are picked from the data area under investigation. Wave model computations come from the currently selected output point. In general, satellite medians of significant waveheight will coincide with the wave model curve. On the other hand, variability of wave height observed by satellites will be greater than the variability of wave model computations. Also refer to the related FAQ.

Vector maps show the set of wind vectors as observed by satellites as they pass over the area of interest. The length of the plotted vectors is normalized by means of their maximum magnitude. Spatial resolution for Ers (up to 2000), Quikscat (up to 2009) and MetOp-A (to present) scatterometers is 50km, 100km and 25km respectively.

The variable to show

Time series can be plotted for wave height or wind speed. Vector maps are available for wind only. Wave height is significant wave height. Wind speed is wind speed at 10m above sealevel.

The satellite pass to show

Satellite passes falling inside the selected time window are listed for selection. The wind vectors observed in the selected pass will be plotted.
Note that the list of available satellite passes changes with the currently selected period.

Tip: Logon as demo (no password needed) to get acquainted with the different types of output without being charged.