

This page offers the opportunity to edit and save your personalised settings for waveclimate.com parameters.
Note that this page is displayed in a separate browser window. In this way, you can change your settings here, without interrupting your work in the main browser window. As you edit, changes will be sent to and stored on the server.

If you have any comments on this page, mail or phone (+31852103008) us.

Settings for scatter tables and monthly distribution tables.
Waveheight and windspeed class widths are also used for directional roses.

Waveheight class width (m)
Windspeed class width (m/s or knots)
No. of decimal places in percentages
Table cells show
Ordering of rows in tables is

Settings for scatter tables

Width of a directional sector (degrees)
Wave period class width (s)
Show confidence limits (2D tables only)

Settings for all tables and plots

Unit to be used for windspeed

Settings for voucher users

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